After recently being asked to look at some questions on the on the Looked after child feedback forms to see if there any improvements that can be made. The first thing that I noticed was the wording, we were referred to as foster children. Personally, I do not like the word Foster. The reasons for this is because the word Foster or in care sounds negative it is portrayed in the media, films, and TV programmes as some one, who people should feel sorry, are troublemakers and some one who will not be successful and probably end up in prison, I recently heard on a TV program, “he grew and went round the foster care system”. It seems that society is ready to write off 107’317 children who are estimated to be “in care” in the Uk. I decided to do some research on the word foster child and the result was astonishing. The earliest known use of the word foster-child is in the Middle English period (1150—1500). So not only does the word foster sound negative it is also very outdated.

A better way to refer to us is looked after child, it sounds positive, our safety and well being will be paramount, and it can make us feel wanted and part of the family we are with. In parts of America the term resource family is used, not ideal but better than foster family. Scandinavian countries are way out in front for looked after children they promote that children will be provided with love and family life. At the opposite end of the system is Japan their system creates looked after children being isolated from society and are moved from abusive homes to neglectful institutions, facing poor living conditions, physical abuse, and no support for their future.

I think the time for change in the Uk is needed so society can view us in a positive light and not pity and shame. Remember all you amazing looked after children we are victims in one way or another, but we should not remain victims for the rest of our lives. Let’s change the face of “fostering”

The nameless onion.

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